Elders care for the spiritual life of the meeting

We have a group of around 8 Friends, appointed as Elders, to care for the spiritual life of the meeting. They are appointed for 3 years, initially, though may serve a second term of a further 3 years. Elders can be of any age.

The responsibilities of Elders include:

  • ensuring the right holding of meetings for worship, including encouraging preparation of mind and spirit and fostering helpful vocal ministry
  • practical arrangements for meetings for worship, including seating, punctuality, and closing the meeting by shaking hands
  • arrangements for special meetings for worship, such as weddings, funerals, memorial meetings
  • encouraging opportunities for all to broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding of Quakerism
  • together with overseers, care of children and young people in the meeting, to enable them to take as full a part as possible in our life and worship
  • together with overseers, caring for the needs of inquirers and attenders

Elders are selected by a specially nominations group and appointed by the Area Meeting (ie. Balby and Sheffield).